International Renaissance Foundation
WE ENTERTAIN, EDUCATE, EARN, RAISE CONSCIOUSNESS & FUNDS FOR WORLD PEACE by "Giving Virtue Back To Nature," beyond a new "Global Golden Age," "The Cultural Transformation," "Saving Our Society, Humanity," our "Civilization's Salvation."
The International Renaissance Foundation works to raise consciousness & funds to a more visible and influential position in American culture. Rather than celebrating the status quo, the Foundation seeks to be a leader in shaping a receptive climate for sustainability to space by transcending boundaries and developing new audiences, creating new avenues for delivery, and encouraging smart entertainment and technologies, AI, IoT, in a web without a weaver as the world wide web, as music is math, ethereal to virtual media to save our society, the civilization of humanity. In the long term, the Foundation aspires to alter the perception of the ethereal as material through technology in medium of culture, computers and cosmology to make it directly relevant to the American public and the whole entire globe.